
Who am I ?

I'm Thibaut Despoulain, a software engineer at Artillery Games, Inc. I specialize in native and web-oriented 2D and 3D application development using technologies like OpenGL/WebGL, C++, Javascript, HTML5 and CSS3.

I've been mainly focusing on game development for the past 4 years, releasing HexGL by myself in 2013 and Guardians of Atlas with Artillery in 2016. I have primarily worked on rendering systems, VFX engines, Artist Tooling and UI/UX. I am particularly eager to work with more Web Technologies, as well as VR and AR in the future.

I am also keen on graphic design and UI/UX development. This dual competence allows me to have a different point of view than most developers, enhancing my understanding of interactions between artists, designers and programmers.

More about me (Q&A)

Where do you come from ?
My home town is Chaumont, a small city in Haute-Marne, France.

What's your favorite programming language ?
CoffeeScript. It takes a little while to get used to it but it's in my opinion the best language (or in this case, transpiler) for rapid prototyping and web development.

What editor are you using ?
Sublime Text 3 all the way!

What photography gear are you using ?
I'm currently shooting with a Canon EOS 60D DSLR.

Want to ask me another question ? Then feel free to do so using the contact page.